⚠ 5 facts you should know about respirable Nanoparticles 👇

🔸 they can be found in more than 14 different industries;
🔸 they are used as a manufacturing material or are unconsciously generated during certain processes;
🔸 they deeply penetrate in the respiratory system to reach the alveoli;
🔸 their toxicity varies depending on their chemistry, shape, and other properties;
🔸 OEL are already set for TiO2, CNTs and more;

🔎 Metal powders (Titanium dioxide…), Fibres (Carbon NanoTubes…), Lightweight Elements (Lithium…), How to know if you or your operators are exposed to respirable nanoparticles that could cause health issues?
✔ With Particlever, you have the possibility to have a global overview of your situation as well as targeted ambient and individual measurements of what your operator is breathing.

🤔 How to proceed? 👇

1️⃣ Send us an inquiry by email through this page:
and get in touch with one of our experts to help you identify the processes in your industry that might be at risk and setup a sampling strategy.

🛒 Lease the equipment and do your samplings,
🔬 Send the filters to the lab and get your results.

3️⃣ Get advised on how to monitor and manage your situations to guarantee a safe workplace environment to you, your workers, and the public.

Now available in Australia, for more information, please check our website:

#occupationalhygiene #nanoparticles #monitoring #hazard #nano #nanotechnology #particles #ultrafine